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Paper Collage in 4 Easy Steps

Hi! This is my first blog post so go easy on me...

Some of you may have already seen this paper collage from my Instagram (@qmjft)

but I'll guide you through the process of making it. in case anyone would like to try it out

here's the finished piece. now let's get on to the process, shall we?

1. Make a sketch

Create your design onto a piece of paper with pencil. mark each part with a number so you won't forget which is which

2. Trace and Cut

Cut your sketch and trace it onto a scrap paper / origami paper / any paper with cute designs on it. I picked some origami papers with beautiful Japanese prints

Aren't they pretty? I fell in love with with the patterns at first sight :-P

3. Make some ornaments

This step is totally optional. but if you want, you can make some added ornaments such as flowers, and other things. use your imagination and get creative. you can put absolutely anything in, after all, it's your collage! :)

4. Assemble

Stick it on to a piece of paper, a sketchbook, etc. you can even frame it! or put it on your fridge.

And, you're Done!

Please do tag me on Instagram @qmjft if you give this a try. i'd love to see your creations :)

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