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DIY Paper Flower Bouquet

Hi Again!

A little backstory about this DIY

one of my good friends recently graduated, at first I thought that I'd give her a bouquet of roses until I saw how much a bouquet of fresh real flowers costs. (i'll never ask for flowers from my boyfriend ever again. lol)


Since I'm crafty and I have too much free time, I thought "why not make a paper flower bouquet instead?" and I'm not kidding when I say that this DIY literally costs me zero amount of money. well because I already have all the things I need lying around at home, but if i were to buy the papers and materials, it would still cost a lot cheaper than real bouquets.

Let's get on to the process, shall we?

What you'll need:

1. paper plates (I used gold square scallop ones, but any paper plates will do)

2. HVS Paper

3. sharpies and markers

4. bamboo skewers

5. strips of impraboard or corrugated board, or any thick board

6. tapes. lots and lots of tapes

7. ribbons, glitter, etc (optional)

STEP 1 - Making the paper plate flowers

cut your paper plates into 8 pieces like the picture below to make small modular triangles

assemble the triangles in a circular motion and curl the edges inwards. then, tape the center of the flowers together.

For the center of the flowers, I made a simple fringe paper strips rolled to look like a flower pistil. after that, simply stick the flowers onto a piece of Impraboard or corrugated strip.


Now that the main part of the bouquet is done, time to make some decorations to make the bouquet appear fuller

for this part, I drew on some flowers and leaves onto some HVS paper, cut it out, and stick it on a bamboo skewer with tape. at this point you can make as many or as few as you like, or maybe throw in some ribbons and glitters and other decorations


Tape the hell-o kitty out of these flowers


I hope you like this and do tag me on Instagram @qmjft if you give this a try. I'd love to see your creations! :)

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